My blog are pretty dead . I'm trying my best to live it up , I haven't got myself any interesting story . Oh wait , actually I have one but its not really a story I think you guys are interested in . Anyway , lately I've been spending my after school times with the Katara's and Hariz David Chan . We spend our time talking and taking some photos , Me and Kim, as usual the one who created drama . Fought like a bro and sis , cursed the hell out each other I swear sometimes i feel like slapping his face haha. But nawwh I wont do that . He's way too precious , though he always hurt me with my words . But somewhat , I just cant be mad at him . I have to admit , sometimes he's too much . But , I don't really care as he has been like that since the first time I met him . I'm tired of giving him advice . He's hard , he's too stubborn and ego . I can't break his ego . Ego tinggi macam KLCC , aku rasa KLCC pun kalah . Back to Kataras and Hariz , Hariz is one funny 18 years old guy . Hahaha , he always tried to pick on me and say sorry after that . He's cute and nice . A new friend of mine . Zoey and Taufiq , they're just awesome at their age,16 and the word 'Kataras' suits them well . This might sound a lil weird , but somehow they are just like my brothers . I've always wonder, how my brothers going to be like when they've reach 16 and 17 . So when I look at them . I mean Kataras and Hariz , I could imagine myself being with my brothers when they've all grown up (':.And this is one of the reason why , I feel very comfortable with them and why I love hanging out with them . AND, this is the reason why I could stand Kim's attitude . They remind me of my brothers , I even cried in front of Kim and Zoey that day . Because I couldn't hold back my tears anymore , I just miss my brothers so much and it hurts . Okyh , I better stop before I shed my tears again . Til here ,
xoxo , Natt .