Monday, January 3, 2011

What have I done ?

Morning blogger, wow I'm finally Form 5 . Here's what i feel , nervous , awkward , happy and weird . Hahaha . Eh you know how awkward it is for me to say " Hello , My name is Putri Nur Natasha and I'm Form 5 :D " awkwardddd . Haha but on another hand I'm very excited for school . I'm changing school to Smk Ttdi , so it seems like I gotta be ready for the whole new environment . No cheer ! one of the reason I'm very up sad of going to that school . But oh well , it could be a better me without cheerleading . Because once I'm a cheerleader , i focus only on my cheer . So there you go , one point for ttdi , yeay -.-' Students there ? seems pretty nice . Thank god I already have friends there which is Azwan , Karim my Partner In Crime . HAHA . And Nurul *Selena Gomez wannabe haha . One more point for ttdi , lol . Whatever it is , the main reason why i go to school is to study and success in SPM, so it doesn't matter which school I'm going to (: I still can't believe I'm form 5 haha . Bye .

Natt SR .