Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Valediction Prom ,

I fake a smile so he won't see .
I'm at AC , yeah i went to ac after the prom . LOL .
This dress cost RM188 bought it at Times square *Hihi,
damn i just love lookin at myself wearing this dress .
It's purple
It's my fckin favourite color (Y)
My sister , Nadd
Look at him tall and handsome (:
He's Akmal Afham .

Hey guys , so the prom was quite nice . I really enjoyed dancing with my sister and Karim her prom date . And oh yeah , i dated my uncle and he's only 17 HAHA . I know i know , i came late and he was like , " I masuk single je td , hmm you miss a lot of things . " I was like awwww sorry man , blame it on Karim ! HAHA . So we went to ac later , my uncle followed us . I sat at the back with him and had the longest chit chat ever . Like seriously we've nvr really talk to other , I mean we only bbm each other . Hah yeahh bbm ! But anyways , he's cool , i love talking to him . He's a one hell cool uncle (: oh and I forgot to mention , his name is Haseef . *Picture below the middle one (:
Natt SR .